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Leadership Philosophy 

Over time my understanding of leadership has evolved through practice and gaining unique perspectives on how others approach various leadership styles. One of the biggest things I’ve learned is that leadership manifests in a variety of ways. To be an effective leader it is crucial to consider and adjust one’s actions based on the context of the space one is in, the dynamics of the leadership role, and the contributions of other people involved. This requires deeply listening and actively engaging with other people one is working with and/or impacting through their actions. Personal characteristics that are important to hold as a leader in any context is doing critical self-reflection and informing one’s actions off that ongoing reflection, being honest and transparent, maintaining a sense of positivity, and overall, having a purpose and not being afraid to take on a challenge to work toward one’s beliefs. Lastly, leadership should ultimately set a good example and instill a sense of leadership, empowerment, and success in others.

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